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Day Train Program Clips

Day Train Program Clips

Day Train Program Clips
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Why Crate Training?

Why Crate Training?

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Toe Taps (Asuma)

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Self-Regulation (Reese)

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6-Week Day Train Program

Are you struggling with your dog's behaviour or life is simply too busy at the moment to work in your own training sessions? 


The Day Train Program is a great way to get your dog started on training while providing an outlet that allows them to blow off some steam, work through mental frustration, and potentially build some new skills!


Canine Compassion GP aims to provide a mental outlet for dogs that allows them to have fun, while building confidence and practicing their skills in a safe environment.​


The contents of the program will benefit all dogs, but it is highly recommended to those with reactive, anxious, under confident, or over confident/hyper dogs.


Handling skills that will be focused on with all dogs, regardless of whether they are exposed to these things on a daily basis or not, are crate training, muzzle training, and nail trim conditioning. CCGP will supply the nail clippers, dremel, and quick stop solution and will physically trim dogs' nails if they can safely and soundly reach that point in the conditioning process (dogs will not be forced to withstand a full-on nail trim for the sake of the training process, as flooding the dog with stress like that is actually counterproductive to the dogs making progress). If a client does not have a crate or muzzle for their dog already, it can be discussed with the trainer and CCGP will supply appropriate sized equipment for the duration of each session.


Over the weeks as dogs excel, other brain and body activities will be added, like balance work, paw placement awareness, and surface socialization. Teaching dogs to problem-solve is an invaluable skill for them to have, but training it will be anything but boring! Everything will be modified to the dog being worked with, so senior and physically impaired dogs can still safely participate.


Whether your dog has minor problem behaviours like jumping on people or pulling on walks, or more major behaviour problems like trying to bite people or explosively reacting to the sight of other dogs, this program is a safe and beneficial outlet to start adding to your dog's quality of life, basic skill sets, and socialization skills. This is because this isn't just your regular obedience training - this training involves a lot of behaviour modification techniques!


Behaviour modification training works to build the dog from the ground up and the incorporation of three of the main tenets are found in most of the training games/drills coached by CCGP. Whether we're working on crate games, basic obedience, or fitness skills, training always has these three concepts in mind:


  1. Self-regulation: the dog's ability to calm themselves down (without any prompting from humans) when they are in higher states of arousal.

  2. Impulse control: the dog's ability to stop and think, instead of just reacting on instinctual impulse.

  3. Engagement: the dog's ability to keep their focus on you, even when there is something a lot more interesting going on around them.


This program will run in 6-week commitments (1 hour private session each week), Tuesdays to Thursdays, with no traveling necessary, as it will be done in your home! The owners and any other family members are not to be present, but a summary of what your dog and the trainer worked on each day will be given, as well as details regarding how it can be continued at home to help keep your dog on their path to success! To further your knowledge, this program includes full access to CCGP's video library of training terms, techniques, and demonstrations!

Promotional Pricing: $600*
(Price does not include Meet & Greet or any other applicable fees)

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